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Wear & Care


The instructions for the circle lens use do not differ from the instructions for the usual colored contacts use, so if you have experience in wearing colored lenses, you will not have problems with circle lenses:


1.     Before touching lenses — whether you want to put them on or remove — wash your hands with soap, then don't wipe them with a towel because there can be bacteria on it.

2.     Don’t use saliva for cleaning the lenses; don’t wash contacts with water, even boiled. The contacts are cleared with and stored in the solution for contact lenses, you can buy it in any pharmacy or optic salon. 

3.     Don’t wear lenses longer than declared by the manufacturer. 

4.     It isn't recommended to wear colored lens longer than 6-8 hours a day, you shouldn't to sleep in them. Also it's good to give the eyes some rest (at least 1-2 days a week). 

5.     Don’t wear lenses when you have such diseases as the flu for example.

6.     Contacts should be put on before make-up. Before removing make-up take your contacts off.

7.     Don’t wash your head with shampoo if there are colored contacts in your eyes. Or close your eyelids tightly and don't open them until you finish shampooing.

8.     Don’t give your colored contacts to other people to wear or try them on. It is a serious violation of the hygiene rules.

9.     Don’t use the solution if it has passed the expiry date. Don’t reuse the same solution. Also don’t forget that the container in which your colored contacts are stored should be changed at least every 3 months.

10.   It isn’t recommended to swim in water with contact lenses if you don’t use any swimming goggles.

11.   If there is any eye irritation or if any redness appear, and if your eyesight changes it is necessary to go to an ophthalmologist/optometrist as soon as possible.

12. It is allowed to be engaged in any active sports, including playing hockey, riding a bike, skydiving and so on with contact lenses.



Using cosmetics when wearing contact lenses

The main rule is to put contacts on before you apply make-up. Try to use water-based cosmetics when there is a sign V.A. on the package. It is possible to choose products that undergo ophthalmologic control and is thus suitable to be used by those who wear contacts. 

Styling sprays in the form of aerosols, and also various perfumery sprays (perfume extraits, deodorants and so on) are only to be used  after putting contact lenses on. When spraying cover your eyelids tightly, ensuring that no spray gets onto the contact lenses.



Enzymatic long-term lenses cleaning

Enzymatic cleaners — tablets and solutions — are applied if contact lenses need to be cleaned in a deep and intensive way. These means of fermental cleaning effectively fight against protein pollution which interferes with normal contact lenses functioning.

Enzymes, as a rule, are not included in usual multi-purpose solution composition therefore it is necessary to apply enzymatic tablets or solutions for more effective cleaning when wearing long term lenses. There is a number of active components in their composition: protease, pronase, lipase, etc. All of them are produced without usage of raw animal materials.


- Put your contacts into the container with the solution for lenses storage;

- Add half-tablets or 3-4 drops of the solution in each compartment of the container;

- Keep them there for 7-8 hours;

- Carefully wash out your contacts with the solution several times before putting these lenses on.


It is recommended to do enzymatic cleaning not less than once a month.


Attention: peroxide cleaners can lead to fading of a color print! Don’t use them for cleaning color lenses.  





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